Ah, more HBI. It's a good site. I was reading some of the stuff they have about abusive relationships and came across someone picking apart a guy's response to the site. Most of the time it was funny, but this disturbed me: " When people treat you bad on a regular basis, you're more often than not the author of your own misery. " I have to say I disagree. Not because I've actually done this and I'm trying to cover it up (if I had done this, after reading HBI I would have taken a long, hard look at my life and tried to stop, and I certainly wouldn't have been blogging about it right now), but because this has happened to me and my friends. No, not abuse - our families aren't, for the most part, that dysfunctional, and even if they were I doubt my friends would really want to talk about it - but things like bullying. Keep in mind that I'm still in my teens and don't really know how the adult world works, having not had any experience...