Positive Thinking, the Just World and Victim Shaming
So...something with a rather academic title from me this time. Guess all these papers I've been reading have had an effect and somehow managed to make me even more geeky. Anyway, a lot of people extol the power of positive thinking. A lot . Some go so far as to say that positive thinking can alter reality itself (with, of course, the odd nod to quantum mechanics - which I doubt they understand). Others stick to more conventional grounds, such as optimism being linked to better health. I'm not going to argue with what the evidence says. I am, however, going to argue that there is a very dangerous current in "positive thinking": namely, it blames victims for their own plight . Victims by definition are largely or completely blameless for the bad things that happen to them - but I'm getting ahead of myself. How does positive thinking blame victims? Well, it doesn't outright turn round and say "It's your damn fault if bad stuff happens to you...