An open letter about purpose in life
A quick note before I start writing: this post discusses, among other things, existential crises and suicide, and if these things trigger or upset you I suggest you skip this post. If these things neither trigger nor upset you, feel free to read on. If you manage to read the whole thing and then write a comment that completely misses the point, do not expect me to be particularly civil. Dear people who know me, even just through my writing, I want to talk to you for a bit. I don't want to talk at you - and after all, what is article-writing but an extended form of talking at people? - because I feel I really need to tell you something. Having blogged really quite extensively (for a shy and reticent person like me, at least) on suicide , and having been quite open about it with people, and it having affected me a lot, I think I need to clear some things up for people. After that, it's your responsibility. I believe that an autonomous, sapient being can choose to die and sh...