I fucking love negative people. I know it sounds strange, but I felt I had to say it. You see, our society seems to have an utterly irrational hatred and fear of negative people - by which they mean...well... ...Honestly, I don't know. The broad definition seems to be something like people who aren't always happy-happy joy-joy-joy. You know, normal people. Now, the hatred and fear of toxic people I understand. This is because the idea of toxic people actually makes sense: toxic people are manipulative, abusive, and are generally shitmunching bastards that you should get the hell out of your life before they mess around with your health and happiness any more. I also understand the dislike, if not the hatred, of mean people, because they're arseholes and no-one wants to be around a self-important busybody who treats everyone around them like shit. I still understand the desire to cut negative people out of one's life, don't get me wrong. I understand the ...