Goddess of Misandry
Bow down before me, male rapist scum, for I am the goddess of misandry, the man-hater amongst man-haters! I strike fear into the hearts of men and hope, love and adoration into the hearts of women! Well...all the enlightened ones anyway, for I spit on those women who internalise misogyny and don't want to kill half the species based on gender alone. (I also quietly ignore non-binary people, because binary people are great at erasing anyone who doesn't conform to the gender binary.) And what are my criteria for being the goddess of misandry, anyway? Well...uh...I don't sleep with men just because they tell me to! That counts for something, right? Okay, bad strawman over, I really don't like this misandry trend. "But why ?" the proud misandrists ask me. "Misandry is just a natural outgrowth of feminism! It's the logical next step!" Well, no. My first problem with misandry is that I don't think institutionalised misandry is a thing - ...