Why I Am A Sceptic

I think I've already mentioned that I really hate pseudoscience and that I'm a bit of a sceptic. I don't think I've talked much about why I identify, even if only slightly, as a sceptic, and I wanted to talk about that a little.

First of all, here are reasons that some people might think I'm a sceptic but actually they're not. I'm not a sceptic because I like ruining people's dreams. I'm not a sceptic because I enjoy attacking cancer patients. I'm not a sceptic because I'm a Big Pharma shill or because I want to infect our children with autism (I am aware of the science fail in that last one, but someone will probably accuse me of it at some point). I'm not a sceptic because I want to take away your freedom to believe in woo. I'm not a sceptic because I'm secretly furthering the agenda of the New World Order to reduce your fertility.

Right, now that that bullshit's over, I'd quite like to get onto the actual reasons why I'm a sceptic. To start with, I'm a sceptic because I love science. Hell, I've loved science since I was 3 or 4 and started to wonder "why do things work the way they do?". I'm a sceptic because I won't take "Because" as an answer. I'm a sceptic because I like to think critically. I'm a sceptic because I can be honest with myself about being wrong and setting myself right. I'm a sceptic because I don't tolerate bullshit or take it on faith. I'm a sceptic because I will quite happily argue with those who promote said bullshit. I'm a sceptic because I'm not content to stay ignorant. I'm a sceptic because I'm curious to know how the universe works. I'm a sceptic because I care about people lying and bullshitting. I'm a sceptic because I care about life and how best to serve it (which is not with your miracle water, by the way). In short, I'm a sceptic because I care about truth and the universe.
