"Do-Gooders" I Can Do Without...

I have a big, big mouth that I need to shut, I think, but something's been getting on my nerves and I feel I have to say it...

...The upshot is, I've met a lot of people who say they're trying to do good in some way or another, but they're not. They're either doing nothing or actively harming others, and I'm sick of it.

Let's start with the people who do nothing - the people who sit around saying things but don't even take the smallest of actions. I'm quite sick of us. I'm quite sick of people who think all it takes to be good is to act outraged on Twitter, because words and petitions will only get you so far - then you need to get something done.

All the same, I prefer the people who get nothing done to the people who set us back - and there are many. I don't say this because I want to start drama or make people paranoid, but I've seen too many do-gooders who end up doing some quite horrible things.

So you say you want to do good for the world? Why do you not take a look at the world as a whole, at the systems that still oppress people, at the appalling conditions people have to live and work in but that no-one talks about?

So you say you want to do good for the world? Why do you demonise the vulnerable?

So you say you want to do good for the world? Why are you racist and xenophobic? Why do you claim that all immigrants are on benefits and taking jobs? Why do you say that to an immigrant?

So you say you want to do good for the world? Why do you keep saying that women should stay in the kitchen or strip, then threaten to punch them in the face if they argue and whine about men being oppressed?

So you say you want to do good for the world? Why are you transphobic and cissexist?

So you say you want to do good for the world? Why do you insist that killing people will work, then? Why do you encourage violence and revenge? War hasn't worked in the past, ever. Why do you think that it will work now?
