Nooo! Stem the flow of updates!

I write way, way too much. The annoying thing about it is that some of the stuff I write is useful, some isn't, and either way I can't control the process.

Anyway, this is more fanfic-y stuff. Skip over this post if you're not into LSK, geekery or fanwank.

Being a retard, I forgot to put the names of the teachers up in my last post. (Names of the students are available all over the intarwebbles if you look hard enough, but since I don't speak Chinese or Thai I've had...ahem...problems finding the teachers' names.) Here they are now, to avoid people asking me questions when I put the fic itself up. A word of warning - I have sources for two of the names (Neo and Chasel) - the rest are, to varying degrees, based on whatever I could find and completely made up thereafter.

The Names:

Neo – Sun Knight
Teppe – Storm Knight
Tyron – Earth Knight
Vaign – Fire/Blaze Knight
Nuvol – Cloud Knight
Elmyr – Leaf Knight
Chasel – Judgement Knight
IslĂ© – Ice Knight
Hermis – Metal Knight
Phoebus – Moon Knight
Arimell – Stone Knight

(Why is there no Hell Knight? He and his student are staying behind to make sure the day-to-day running of the Church of the God of Light doesn't completely fall to pieces. :P)

Incidentally, I think I'm trying too hard with this fic. To embroider the world (which is sadly not very embroidered in the first volume, which makes it hard to write for because you have to make details up out of whole cloth), as well as to not do completely retarded things like having Grisia write with a biro, I've been trying to go for a medieval feel and using some social history about medieval England (mainly 14th-century so far) plus the Canterbury Tales (always good for a read anyway) to make the world seem real rather than just "OMG MEDIEVAL TIMES!!!!!111LOLZ" (for those of you who were blinded by the bad chatspeak, I want it to seem like a real place and time rather than having people be overawed by the fact that it's in a vaguely medieval setting). Sadly, in order to stick with the canon, I've had to disregard certain things that I've come across, and other times I've just ignored or changed things for the sake of narrative. As a history student, that makes me feel really guilty. I've also ended up with a rapidly-growing collection of notes on the LSK-verse according to me, which makes me feel like a total geek (who takes notes for a fanfic?). So I really hope that my fic doesn't end up an anachronism stew or an example of schizo tech, but if it does, hopefully you won't think too badly of me for it - it's hard trying to blend canon, plot elements and cold, hard facts together. And to top things off, even though I'm doing research, not much of it is going to end up in the story, since it's mainly for purposes of world-embroidery and making sure I don't screw up too badly on the details - all background things for the most part, things done to make the world seem real. Hopefully it pays off and the world is well fleshed-out without people telling me "you said you did research, so why is none of this in the plot?".
