On rapefic

I am not sure whether to laugh or cry when I read a bad rapefic. (If anyone's out there, links to good ones would be appreciated to restore my faith in humanity.) Usually, the only purpose that the rape serves in the fic is to highlight the purity and virtue of the Sue OC before she (and it is usually a she, unless it's yaoi and the rapist then gets together with the victim) is ruined FOREVER by the eeeeeeebil man. And then, one way or another, romance and Magical Healing Sex™ find their way into the plot. Sometimes, there is not even any logic, as when our OC is forced into slavery, then brought to a chamber and made to bathe, then to put on "nicer" clothes. This in itself is not bad - it's when the author forgets about things like underwear and period-appropriate clothing.

I'd just like to state right now that not everything is bad. A rapefic can, in theory, be done well; so can enslavement. So can OCs. I read a very, very good enslavement fic with not one but three OCs, two romances, and sexual slavery. And pregnancy. It was a Bleach fic, something to do with "The Whore of Las Noches" and characters called Riin and Suki. Sadly, I can't find it...links would be very much appreciated. The problem is when the author likes the concept but, not finding a logical way to weave it into the story, decides to do it illogically instead. I also find the concept of being defiled forever after rape a little bit...ahem...unfortunate, to say the least. And no, authors and authoresses, making somebody rape your protagonist is not a good plot device or a good way to highlight their villainy, as it's been done too many times before. This goes double if said villains are sexually aloof and/or would not need to display their power through rape, and quadruple if said villains are any shade of undead. (Basic knowledge of anatomy tends to be very helpful here.) Finally, the entire point of the story tends to unravel when the rapist and victim fall in love and have a happy, idealistic relationship with 2.4 kids and a whitewashed cottage. It does not work that way in real life, and that's all that shall be said on the subject. Actually, magical healing sex and rape victims don't tend to go well together, full stop.

So...rant over. Rapefic is difficult to handle, and if you get it wrong angry bloggers and LJers the world over will be on your case. So, unless you have the experience, let it well alone.

(As for Summer Holiday, which I keep talking about but mysteriously never shows up? Don't worry, it will, probably tomorrow if nothing goes wrong.)
