Some questions about power

Right. So, as I've mentioned before, The Activists is awesome, and they run an equally awesome blog which is apparently contributed to by awesome people. However, some of the articles are...not so awesome, like this one. Go on, read it - it's very short.

(If you can't be bothered to read it, it's a rant against powerful people.)

Anyway, I have some questions for Adam Haddad and anyone who thought to pass this article. You are intelligent people - think about my questions, really think about them, and answer me honestly.

Isn't not being weak part of being powerful?

Didn't many politicians start off wanting to help people?

You'll take power after your revolution - at the very least, you'll have to take the helm during a transitional period or risk chaos. Won't you also become dogs, or is the rule magically waived for you?

Is there not a part of every person, strong or weak, young or old, slave or free, who loves power?

Is power not addictive by its nature?

Are we not obliged as human beings to keep that addiction in check?

Wouldn't powerful people by definition not be imbeciles, as they have to be manipulative enough to keep their position relatively secure?

Who says that the powerful cannot be creative, other than your polemic, which seems to paint everyone in power as evil simply because it helps your cause and it makes it easier to lay the blame on someone?

Do powerful people, being people, not also have hopes and dreams and fears like the private citizens?

Are all powerful people morally corrupt, or did you just make that up for the sake of giving them another bad quality?

And why did you make them "incestuous" as well? I'm pretty sure that Louise Mensch, David Cameron, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, John Prescott, Barack Obama, George Bush, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee and Nick Griffin (I came up with all these figures off the top of my head, and I think it's high time I stopped) don't have sex with their relatives.

Answer my questions or lose your credibility.
