...yeah, I won't torture you with the rest of the song. (Apologies for not having written anything for the past 10 days or so - I've been slacking off and doing nothing revising fervently for my upcoming exams.

For slightly better news, it is Friday aka "beginning of the weekend". And for slightly worse's apparently the Rapture tomorrow. (Interestingly, the first site I linked to says "best viewed in Internet Explorer"...sigh.)

Of course it won't be, but people believe weird things. In the unlikely event that that crazy schmuck Harold Camping is actually right (as a general rule, anyone saying that the end of the world will happen on such-and-such a date, or using an ancient, largely ambiguous and sometimes contradictory source, tends to be wrong), could one of the 200 million people that have been saved take some pictures and post them on the internet? I'd like to see something before I, as a free-willed sinner, fall unconscious/cease to exist (Wikipedia is a bit vague on what Camping says will happen). Of course, if I as one of the saved (according to Camping, salvation is unmerited - that is, no matter how many good deeds you do or how fervently religious you are, it doesn't matter because only by God's grace can someone be saved - and preordained, the saved having been chosen before the world's creation or something along those lines) go up to heaven, I'll make sure to take pictures and post them on the heavenly equivalent of the internet. Hey, I've got free will and, if salvation is preordained and unmerited, theoretically someone completely evil could be saved...

Apologies to those believers out there who are actually sane (and since the crazy ones are rather more vocal, it's rather difficult to find the people with decent logic), but I couldn't resist. I hate end-of-the-world predictions because they're just so...loopy, so I have to apply ridiculous quantities of snark.

Of course, if I wake up on the morning of 21 May and go through the whole day without a serious earthquake, I'll be very happy (and checking the internet to see what Camping's been saying).

Yet more apologies to everyone out there who's sane and intelligent, but I've been away for so long and I haven't had any ideas, so this (and a bunch of poems) are currently the best I can do.
